Messages from our President

I would like to acknowledge with heartfelt appreciation the confidence that Members of the Management Committee of Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK have shown in me by electing me to be the next President of Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK (Term 2021-2022). I enjoyed my previous term of 5 years as Vice-President from 2016 to 2021 and am once again looking forward to working with the committee and all of the members of Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK.
Mr. Paresh Amarchande will cease his mandate on the 18th of June, 2021 and he has been appointed unanimously by the committee members to become the Honorary President for Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK, which he has gratefully accepted. This will be an advisory role.
My congratulations go towards the newest members of the existing Management Committee, Mr. Jaydip Kalapi as the Vice-President, Mr. Dipen Narendrakumar and Miss Nitya Puspaceno, who joined the IT Consultants and Marketing team, and Mrs. Shital Vassantilal, who is now a volunteer.
The committee has maintained a strong foundation and as our society strengthens, we will continue to promote and preserve our heritage as well as encourage the participation of members.
Our major focus will be on Vijyadashmi this year. We hope to receive your wholehearted support for this event.
Stay engaged, stay safe and I wish you all the best as we continue to return to normality.
Dipac Canacsinh
Following the proposal for an election, as no nominations were received for the new Management Committee, the existing Management Committee members will continue their roles for a following three years.
First of all, I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to the entire Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK for having once again placed confidence in me for the position of the President for 3 more years, reflecting a trust that the community has, not only in me but also towards the Management Committee.
I would like to congratulate three new members for having joined the IT Consultants and Marketing team, namely Mr. Mohit Jitendra, Miss Umangi Pradip and Mr. Nayan Naresh.
I promise to do my best for the next mandate.
I would like to once again highlight the integration of more youngsters into the Management with the aim of having them contribute their opinions for the development of new ideas to meet the aspirations of young people.

I am honoured to have the opportunity to lead our Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK for the next two years as the president. The committee is composed of very passionate and hardworking individuals who provide their valuable support by continuing to be strong, proud and active. We are committed to preserve and promote Diu Vanza Darji Heritage and our rich culture.
We request all members of the Samaj to actively participate and help us out in any way possible. We foresee the Samaj for the future where one can help by devoting free time as a volunteer and give us a few words of encouragement.
The advent of internet has given us a wonderful opportunity to connect with each other quickly. With this in mind, Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK has taken this historic step to launch its website. We hope this website will be a new beginning for Diu Vanza Darji members to communicate more effectively and regularly with like-minded members of Diu Vanza Darji throughout the world.