Mr. Paresh Amarchande, greeted everyone present at the opening of the meeting on behalf of Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK and thanked everyone for their presence.
Before the start of the meeting a tribute of two minutes silence was paid to all our brothers and sisters who had passed away over the last two years.
Afterwards, a presentation was made by Mr. Dipac Canacsinh about the works carried out by the Management Committee over the last two years.
The letters of recognition and support received from the Presidents of Vanza and Darji Gnati of Diu expressing their gratitude and satisfaction on the creation of Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK, an organisation that unites all Samaj members under one identity, were presented.
Mr. Urmil Hasmucrai, also made a verbal introduction to some aspects related to the Heritage and creation of Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK.
A review of the financial situation was presented by Mr. Paresh Amarchande on a graph drawn up for this purpose, outlining the funds collected, expenses and the existing balance. In the graph, the number of families who participated and contributed monetarily to Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK was also illustrated, highlighting a participation of 65% of families during the last two years.
After a few more interventions by Mr. Urmil Hasmucrai and Mr. Nahesh Canayalal, all present were invited to express their views in any of the languages, Gujarati, English or Portuguese and could do it without any formality.
There was a very sincere and satisfactory contribution from all the participants, in the sense of maintaining a unified community organisation, particularly emphasising that Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK was already serving the interests of our entire community.
Mr. Nopendra Pranlal, who was on a holiday visit to the UK, expressed his gratitude for having been given several opportunities to share his views and contribute to the discussion of matters relating to our community.
Mr. Dilip Dulabdas, along with the participation of the people in the meeting, was of the opinion that it would be convenient to create sub committees in all the towns, constituted by: a sub Vice-President, a sub-Secretary, a sub-Treasurer, sub-Public Relations Officers and so on.
These sub committees would be in direct connection with the General Board in the coordination and elaboration of their works related to Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK.
Mr. Hitesh Gonpotlal and Mr. Hitesh Bhadracen also intervened in the meeting where their concerns were answered.
The central objective is to create a unified community under the denomination Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK.
Mr. Pradip Vassantlal, appealed to all to regularly visit the website and Facebook page in order to be informed about the messages published on these sites.
Mr. Jayant Jagatkant appealed on how we should remain united.
Throughout the meeting, it was also decided that the residents of Leicester would call for a meeting among themselves to discuss the general context of this meeting.
The meeting ended on a positive note, with participants having the confidence and willingness to remain unified following a single community called Diu Vanza Darji Samaj UK.
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